The Grades One, Two and Three classes had the wonderful opportunity to watch the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra perform at the Orpheum Theatre. The concert was titled “What a Wonderful World” and featured songs by composers from all around the world. The students had the opportunity to sing a song called “Siyahamba” with the rest of the students in attendance and the symphony. Many students said “Mambo” was their favourite song, which they studied in music class together.
Grade Two Celebrates First Reconciliation
On Saturday, January 28th, I received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. When we got to the church, we were early so we waited and prayed till everyone got there. When everyone was gathered in the church we started to sing the song “Father I have Sinned.” After that we started with confession. I was the fourth person to go up to the altar. First, I greeted Father Ken, then, I told him my sins. Together we prayed the Act of Contrition. Then, I said goodbye to him and bowed at the altar and I went back to my pew. I felt as light as a feather! Afterwards, once everyone was done we had a reception in the Parish Centre. I really liked the fruit and chips. Everyone looked so fancy in their nice clothes. It was a great day, one I will remember forever.
Written by a Grade Two Student
On Saturday, January 28th, I received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We sang “Father I have sinned”. I had my confession with Father Paul. After we had a party to celebrate. My whole family was there. My heart was so clean. I felt different. I felt like my heart was happy, and I was happy too!
Written by a Grade Two Student
Cross Country Stars!
Many of the students of ICS participated in a Cross Country meet on Wednesday, October 5. Grades Two through Seven took part in a fun run or a race for their grade. Everyone did a fantastic job and finished the race strong. ICS placed 15th out of 34 schools and we received two gold medals and one silver medal. In addition, our Grade Seven team members came 3rd in the overall aggregate. Bravo Team ICS!

Cross country is a a challenging sport. Competitors are crammed in at the start line, and once the staring gun sounds, each runner finds his/her place. After what feels like far longer than it is, many runners start thinking “When will this be over? When will we see the finish line?” Finally, you hear the cheering crowds as you approach the finish line.
It was so much fun, cheering our schoolmates on, watching the Grade Twos take part in their first Cross Country meet, and feeling the satisfaction of crossing the finish line. We had a great meet and everybody should be proud of themselves for completing this challenge!
Written by a Grade Seven Student
Vancouver Children’s Festival 2016
On Friday, June 6th the Grade One and Grade Two classes went to the Vancouver Children’s Festival at Granville Island to watch Splash’N Boots live in concert. They had us all singing, dancing and laughing during the fun-filled show. After the show, the students spent the afternoon exploring the various activities at Sutcliffe Park. It was a fabulous afternoon shared with friends in the warmth of the sun.

First Holy Communion

After many months of preparation, the Grade Two class received their First Holy Communion on Sunday May 1st. Everyone was excited about receiving this special gift from Jesus. Here’s what a few students had to say about their Holy day.
“I felt very happy on my first Communion Day. The church was full of peace.”
“I felt really joyful on my first Communion Day.”
“I liked setting the table with Alexander, Samantha and Nadia. I felt special”
“I enjoyed being a reader at Mass. It was fun.” “It was a lovely day. I got to receive the Body of Christ and I felt grateful.”
“It was very nice to have my first Holy Communion. I felt special because Jesus was inside me for the first time”
Springtime Visit to the Botanical Gardens
Written By Grade Two Students
We went to the UBC Botanical Garden. Our guides were Tamara and Joanna. I saw a lot of rhododendrons and I learned how the canopy cables hug the tree without the use of nails to build the walkways. I had fun walking through a tree. My favourite part was going on the canopy walkway. I walked through a tunnel too.
On our field trip we went on the canopy walkway. On the base of the walkway we saw a red cedar tree. We also, saw a 600 year old tree, and saw a bee hive. We also saw a lot of hemlock trees. We went and took a picture at the look out. We walked through a tree and saw a rock from the ice age.
On our field trip we went to the Botanical Garden at UBC. When I got there I heard the legend of the Douglas Fir. I really liked going on the canopy walkway with our guide, Joanna. I saw an eagle. When we were in the garden our guide was Tamara. She showed us the rhododendrons. They were really pretty. We also walked through a tree that someone carved.
Today, I will grow in knowledge, love of God, and service to others.
Primary Students Visit the Vancouver International Children’s Festival

On Friday, May 29th the Grades Ones and Twos went to the Vancouver Children’s Festival at Granville Island to listen to Inuit poet, storyteller, and throat singer Taqralik Partridge, who brought lively stories and tales from Canada’s north to this year’s Festival stage.
She recounted an Inuit legend, The Owl and Raven, as well as two of her own stories, The Little Boy and The Giant and There’s a Whale in That Puddle. The stories were about children in the north who found extraordinary treasures in ordinary places. After the show, the classes spent the afternoon exploring the various activities at Sutcliffe Park. It was a fabulous afternoon shared with friends in the warmth of the sun.
First Holy Communion
After many months of preparation, the Grade Two class received their First Holy Communion on Sunday May 3rd. First Holy Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in our lives – it is a significant milestone in the life of a Catholic. It is the first time that we receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the eating of consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine. Everyone was excited about receiving this special gift from Jesus. Here’s what a few students had to say about their Holy day.
“My First Communion was great. I felt full of Joy after receiving Jesus”
“I felt reunited with God. My favourite part was receiving the Body of Christ for the first time. I enjoyed being with my family.”
“I will always remember receiving the host for the first time.”
“I felt excited. I enjoyed bringing up the wine. I will always remember Jesus.”
Family and friends joined us in celebrating – even from as far a field as Germany. Thank you to all the wonderful Grade One and Three families who planned and hosted the lovely, delicious reception in the gym afterwards.